
Making the most of Fall

Here we are again–lots of time between posts. A quick synopsis of the past couple of months:

  • Adele is loving first grade (she has a teacher who is great and really on top of things) and has added several activities to her schedule: track, hip hop dance classes, Girl Scouts, running club, and swim class. And she ran her first 5k with me this morning in DC!
  • Camile is still “spirited”. She has started soliciting compliments for her good behavior like: “Look, Mommy, I’m NOT picking my nose!”. We’re very proud. 🙂 She’s doing really well in swim class–she’s already able to float on her back by herself.
  • Joe and I are boring old people. We work, we clean, we take care of the kids.

Here is a snapshot of our busy times since the last time I posted:

Fancy walk around the neighborhood

Labor Day in Lavallette

Adele in first grade!

Adele with her neighborhood friends making cookies for the local shelter


Camile knows fashion

Our visit to Luray Caverns on Columbus Day

Pumpkin and corn maze time at Temple Hall

Breaking in their new playhouse in the backyard